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Science Lab

Years 1-3 (Pre-Clinical)

Years 1&2 are focused on learning the academic basis of medicine/veterinary medicine. This mostly involves lectures with the whole year group and small-group supervisions in college. There is also a mixture of lab practicals, PBL (problem based learning) sessions, full-body dissection, and much more!


Year 3 is an intercalation year where you will choose what to study. Most students choose a module from within the Medical Sciences or Natural Sciences, however it is also possible to intercalate in subjects from the humanities. At the end of Year 3, you will receive a BA.


During your pre-clinical years, you actually complete two separate qualifications - the Tripos and the 2nd MB.


The 2nd MB is a pass/fail qualification and you must pass it to qualify as a doctor. In order to determine this, your marks within each individual subject are added up and must reach the overall pass mark (the essay papers do not count towards the 2nd MB). If you do not pass the 2nd MB for a particular subject, you are allowed ONE resit and you must resit all of the papers for that subject. 


The Tripos is an archaic Cambridge term (derived from the fact that these exams were initially sat on a three-legged stool). Your Tripos exams are what determine the grade you achieve (1st, 2:1, 2:2 etc). Tripos consists of Part IA sat at the end of Year 1, Part IB sat at the end of Year 2, and Part II sat at the end of Year 3. Both the multiple choice and the essay papers contribute to your Tripos results, and you must pass Tripos to continue the course. You are not allowed to resit Tripos exams (but few fail them).

Part IA

Year 1

During Part IA, Medicine and Veterinary students share three modules: HOM, MIMS, and FEBP. However, only medics complete FAB, SECHI and PfPA, while only vets complete VAP and PAM.

FAB (Human Anatomy)

Functional Architecture of the Body

HOM (Physiology)


SECHI (Ethics)

Social & Ethical Context of Health/Illness

FEBP (Statistics)

Foundations of Evidence-Based Practice

VAP (Animal Anatomy)

Veterinary Anatomy & Physiology

MIMS (Biochemistry)

Molecules in Medical Science

PAM (Animal Handling)

Principles of Animal Management

PfPA (Patient Care)

Preparing for Patients A

Part IB

Year 2

During Part IB, Medicine students complete BOD, MODA, NHB, HR, HNA, and PfPB. Veterinary students complete BOD, MODA, NAB, VRB, CVB, PfVP

BOD (Pathology)

Biology of Disease

NHB (Human Neuro)

Neurobiology & Human Behaviour

HR (Human Reproduction)

Human Reproduction

HNA (Human Anatomy)

Head & Neck Anatomy

PfPB (Patient Care)

Preparing for Patients B

MODA (Pharmacology)

Mechanisms of Drug Action

NAB (Animal Neuro)

Neurobiology & Animal Behaviour

VRB (Animal Reproduction)

Veterinary Reproductive Biology

CVB (Animal Anatomy)

Comparative Vertebrate Anatomy

PfVP (Ethics)

Preparing for Veterinary Profession

Library Shelves

Part II

Year 3

This is a mandatory intercalation year, where you choose what subject you would like to study. There are generally three pathways which you can choose from, as shown below. More information about Part II can be found on the University website here. Every year, there is also an intercalation evening where you will be told more about your options and how to confirm your choice.


Single subject, including research project


Major subject and minor subject, including dissertation


Anthropology, Law, Management Studies, Philosophy, Languages & More

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